Few comedians feel so singular ... Working as a stand-up. Dipping and driving. To Dusty Slay, all of that, in his words, is the best. Slay’s act is, simply, charming. He feels like a throwback ...
British comedians Russell Howard, Sarah Millican and Romesh Ranaganathan are set to perform stand up at Gibraltar venue St ...
In many parts of the world, these specials are sold to streaming platforms, aired on television, or released as exclusive ...
Kumail Nanjiani is returning to stand-up comedy after 10 years with a new special for Hulu. The hour is Nanjiani’s first ...
it’s some of the best delivery in stand-up history. “Wrong Number” is a masterpiece of concise writing, precise acting, and inventive direction that utterly captivates Larson’s audience.
Kumail Nanjiani is joining Hulu’s “Hularious” line-up with his own special. It will mark Nanjiani’s second special in more ...
Few comedians feel so singular. It’s not just that Adam Sandler ... Smoking. Drinking. Working as a stand-up. Dipping and driving. To Dusty Slay, all of that, in his words, is the best. Slay’s act is, ...
Matt Damon roasts Andrew Schulz in hilarious promo for the comedian's new stand-up, pregnancy-themed special, 'LIFE', which ...
Audiences can vote for all the categories such as Best Show ... there have been at least two to three stand-up shows weekly. While a handful of comedians perform regularly, he estimates that ...