The Indian jungles are a paradise for birdwatchers. These jungles offer a chance to spot vibrant and exotic birds in their ...
T here are so many beautiful birds on this planet that a list of 100, much less 10 couldn’t do justice to all of them. That being said, the criteria for beautiful birds for this blog had to be ...
Get expert bird photography tips from a professional bird photographer on how to turn your backyard into an ideal space for ...
In June 1844, farmers Jón Brandsson and Sigurður Ísleifsson, along with 12 others, made the perilous journey by boat from ...
Despite its wide range and how bright it is, the kingfisher can be difficult to spot. Common kingfishers, Alcedo atthis, live across much of England, Ireland and Wales, but these beautiful birds are ...
Incas died at the Cincinnati Zoo, leaving behind mysteries over his death, his final resting place and the factors that led to the extinction of the Carolina parakeet ...
The male wood duck is one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. We’re lucky we can see them almost any day of the week, any ...
The Smithsonian celebrates beautiful birds in our museums, our research centers, our gardens, and in coffee shops. We hold, care for, and share artistic and scientific observations compiled over ...
Birds change their tune over time depending on age, movement and memory, similar to how human dialects are shaped, ...
Flamingos, with their bright pink feathers and graceful posture, look stunning when they gather in large groups. In India, ...
Bellingham’s Darrell Rosen downsized from building million-dollar residential homes to intricate birdhouses, resulting in ...