Renowned Tanzanian musician Harmonize has announced a two-day talent search aimed at discovering and nurturing emerging artistes in his hometown, Mtwara and Lindi.The initiative, set to take place ...
Việt Nam Festival will open on March 8 and 9 at September 23 Park in HCM City’s District 1. The annual event aims to promote ...
随着台湾棒球在去年 12 强赛夺冠,国内运动热潮再度掀起,由 STANCAVE 与承兴国际共同主办、首湛创意执行的「2025 STANCAVE台湾运动文化展」 自3月7日至3月10日在台北花博争艷馆盛大举行。活动开展后便吸引大批运动 ...
由STANCAVE与承兴国际共同主办,首湛创意执行的【2025 STANCAVE台湾运动文化展】将于7日盛大开展,为期四天,四大展区将提供不同类型的活动给不同喜好的运动族群,不论是啦啦队的粉丝,还是喜欢运动的人群,亦或是想 ...
经过个人(rén)齐舞(wǔ)作品对(duì)决、4强PK和终极不服的18轮Battle,最终来自平码3中3免费公开平码3中3免费网站“一波王炸”战队的杨凯摘得桂冠,成为三季以来首位Bboy冠军(jūn)。 标签:平码3中3免费公开平码3中3免费网站 ...
Scottsdale resident Marvin Young, better known as Young MC, routinely encounters surprised reactions when people learn about his career. Conversations quickly turn to his multifaceted roles as a ...
Reducing it to one would create havoc in both directions.” Bboy says: “Someone listening to the majority for once, most of the time the bus lanes are empty whilst the majority of the traffic ...