Universal basic income, once a utopian ideal ... The question will really be one of meaning: If a computer can do, and the robots can do, everything better than you, does your life have meaning?
The government's fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent. In a new report, the Parliamentary Budget ...
This story was updated on Feb. 20. The government’s fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40%. In a new report, ...
Or sign-in if you have an account. OTTAWA — The government’s fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent.
The government’s fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent. In a new report published Wednesday ...
That shift—from "basic" to "high" universal income—is critical ... Musk is concerned about the meaning we draw from our work. In a future where robots and AI systems outperform us at almost ...