The world of archaeology and art is often filled with thrilling discoveries, but few match the sheer surprise and serendipity of finding a priceless artifact in a trash bag. Such is the story of a ...
RANT to the dog walker who put an open bag of dog waste into my empty trash receptacle. I am not one of those neighbors you ...
Two pieces of legislation in New York would end the common practice of giving foster youth trash bags to transport their ...
Rob Scheer and his five kids each made their own journey through the foster care system with a trash bag in tow. Rob was 12 the first time a case worker told him to shove his belongings in a trash ...
The story of this plastic bag appears early in Waste Wars: The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash, a new book by the journalist Alexander Clapp. The book reveals many such journeys, tracking the garbage ...
(WKRG) — The Mobile County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a dog was found on the side of a road, in a bag, and later put ... animal is a piece of trash and we will do everything ...
During the arrest, police say the teen had a hockey bag filled with a sawed-off shotgun, modified rifle, ammunition, an empty bulletproof vest plate carrier and more than10 grams of suspected fentanyl ...