据报道,本周四,意大利将对一家涉嫌向波音公司 (BA.US)供应有缺陷设备的航空零部件制造商展开初步听证。此次调查聚焦于制造工艺规范公司 (MPS),一家小型供应商,其被指控故意误导客户,使用低等级金属生产地板配件及其他飞机部件。尽管该公司高管否认了检察官的指控,但这一事件已引发广泛关注。
Boeing Co (BA) shares drew investor attention on Friday after Citi reiterated a ‘Buy’ rating with a $210 price target.
We believe there are several major concerns with BA stock, which makes it very unattractive given that its current valuation ...
Boeing (BA) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock. Shares ...
Boeing's focus on sustainable growth and quality faces risks amid trade wars. Discover the 2027 price target and investment ...
We recently published an article titled Top 12 Stocks to Buy According to Citadel Investment Group. In this article, we are ...
Overall, analysts have deemed Northrop Grumman stock a “Moderate Buy,” with a mean target price of $547.76, indicating upside potential of 11%. Out of the 20 analysts covering the stock, 10 recommend ...
美国交通部长肖恩·达菲 (Sean Duffy)计划于周四访问波音公司 (BA.US)位于华盛顿州伦顿的工厂,以评估该公司的安全协议。此次访问标志着埃塞俄比亚发生致命的737 Max坠机事故六周年,达菲将与美国联邦航空管理局代理局长克里斯·罗切洛一同前往西雅图,强调特朗普政府对波音公司进行严格监管的承诺。
据悉,弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的美国地区法官Leonie Brinkema允许以罗德岛财务主管为首的股东作为一个团体对波音提起诉讼,要求其赔偿损失。这些股东在2021年1月7日至2024年1月8日期间持有波音的股票。而在2024年1月5日,阿拉斯加航空公司一架波音737 MAX ...