Pokémon Horizonsis kicking off a new era for the anime by introducing a timeskip for its new series, Mega Voltage, something that's never been done before. The timeskip has some intriguing ...
Our heroes meet twin Trainers who have won 15 Tag Battles in a row—and the boys challenge Ash and Dawn to battle number 16!
Ash Ketchum, a ten-year-old from Pallet Town ... battling other trainers in Pokmon Gyms to earn badges. Joined by his friends Brock and Misty, Ash consistently thwarts the plans of the nefarious ...
Pikachu has a battle win rate of 89% in 538 battles, proving to be Ash's strongest Pokemon. Greninja showcases a win rate of 87% in 55 battles, transforming into Ash-Greninja to secure victories.