Ironically, groundwater has now become the culturally preferred water source, and when given a choice between arsenic-free tubewell water and filtered water, most Bangladeshis would gladly choose ...
Ruby Redekopp’s stories about groundwater protection in today’s Leader explain the great lengths the city of Hutchinson takes to make sure the water coming out of your home’s ...
Water is a fundamental part of our daily lives: we drink it, cook with it, and use it to farm. But in many rural areas in northern India, groundwater is naturally contaminated by arsenic and is ...
(Bloomberg) -- Rising seas due to climate change could exacerbate the threat of arsenic in drinking water, according to a study published in PLOS ONE in January. Researchers focused on arsenic in ...
Punjab’s groundwater extraction rate is a whopping 142 per cent higher than the recharge rate. Contemporary research on groundwater resources has unveiled a shocking truth. A staggering 60 billion ...