“The Antichrist” and “The Man of Lawlessness” are two names for the same person who will be everything that is the very opposite ... but here is the person who will be the distillation of opposition ...
There are two remarkable stories showing how Jesus cared for all types of people. The religious folks called the Pharisees in the time of Jesus were offended, because in their view God loved only the ...
war and empire and become people of daring Gospel nonviolence who follow Jesus by working for justice, disarmament and peace in his same spirit of steadfast, loving nonviolence. I hope everyone ...
It really is, it's coming under the knowledge - the truth - to agree that my sin is terribly offensive to God. It's almost like some of the things we heard after 911. Some preachers were preaching the ...
Immediately after Jesus told his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you,” he said the greatest love is to lay ...
After starting senior missions on the same week, three brothers and their companions carry on a multigenerational legacy of ...
If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take ... added to the OT that Jesus used. Now it may be true that Protestants share the same OT canon as Jews today ...
And when that ghost is none other than Jesus Christ, believed by more than two billion of the world’s people to be the very Son of God, well ... Jesus undergoing the same rite in the same ...
There are four dogmas stating Mary's personal relationship with God and her role in human ... is embedded in texts defining the person and natures of Jesus Christ. Thus, the dogma of Divine ...
no one outshines Jesus in one of His parables that we find in Luke’s Gospel. “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying ...
God called them to serve “those people,” and they went. A modern day equivalent would be if Jesus appeared to us in America today and said that he came not to help us, but our Canadian ...
God's people are a highly prized, beloved, a small "remnant" of souls saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God's people are a select group Later verses in Romans 11 identify "a ...