Like polar bears, Arctic foxes face the looming reality of rising temperatures and melting ice as the Arctic quickly loses ground and its inhabitants face challenges for which evolution never prepared ...
Usual litter size is five to eight kits, although as many as 15 have been known. The young are weaned at two to four weeks at which time they emerge from the den. Arctic foxes reach sexual maturity in ...
Red foxes are encroaching farther north, competing with local Arctic foxes for food and habitat. Sometimes, they come into direct competition with each other, as shown in this grisly photograph by ...
Now, however, scientists have managed to capture rare footage of a polar bear mother and her cubs leaving their den in the Arctic for the first time. The video comes from Svalbard, the sparsely ...
With fine warm underfur making up 70% of its coat and furry feet soles, the arctic fox is the best insulated mammal on earth. Fennec foxes live deep in the Sahara Desert and only start to pant ...