You have to plug it in from the bottom to charge it, which also means you cant use your computer while your ... be changing with the next-gen Magic Mouse: Apple is looking to create something ...
Even if you're not suffering from chronic pain from mouse usage, it's a great idea to start using one, especially if you do spend a lot of time on the computer. While we haven't started testing ...
Before Macintosh: The Apple Lisa opens with news footage of a local landfill. The truck drivers were paid a lot of money to dump all of the world’s remaining Lisa computers onto the ground and run ...
It was 41 years ago today when Apple announced the original Macintosh, one of the first successful personal computers to sport a graphical user interface.
The best computer mouse isn't necessarily the one with the most buttons, the flashiest lights or the lightest weight. Depending on what you're doing at the computer, the kind of mouse that you'll ...