Specifically, certain phone habits could signify anxiety.
Mental health professionals reveal the hidden signs of anxiety disorders affecting millions of Americans, from mysterious ...
You're probably familiar with the symptoms of anxiety: feeling worried, racing thoughts, and being irritable. But while being ...
A specific microbial metabolite in the gut microbiome that helps regulate brain activity is linked to anxiety, a new study in ...
Feeling anxious from time to time is simply part of being a human. But when anxiety is chronic and feels like it has taken ...
Social technologies present a unique paradox—they can be connectors and disruptors. They can simultaneously offer lifelines ...
It's normal to be freaked out by air travel. Here are five easy tips to ease your flight anxiety once and for all.
Anxiety disorders are prevalent across all socioeconomic groups, with higher stress levels making urban populations ...
People who experience high levels of social anxiety may show a weaker cardiovascular response to stressful situations, and ...
Take care of your basic needs. Eating nutritiously and getting enough sleep helps lessen anxiety. In fact, there are certain ...
Many children outgrow their fears, but persisting worries may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Psychologists weigh in on ...
Lexapro is an antidepressant medication commonly prescribed for anxiety. Here's how to know the best time of day to take it.