SHREVEPORT, La. -- Badly-needed funds are on the way to repair a deteriorating, historic Shreveport church. Antioch Baptist Church was organized in 1866 by 73 formerly enslaved people.
Early church fathers expanded on these biblical foundations. Ignatius of Antioch emphasized unity and regular gathering, while Cyprian highlighted care for the poor as a crucial sign of church health.
Target is facing a 40-day consumer boycott over the company’s shift away from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies.
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Visitors to Slovakia’s westernmost district, Skalica, would do well to begin their journey in Holíč, a border town steeped in ...
This delegation is set to attend the consecration of Metropolitan Joseph Mor Gregorios as Catholicos of the Jacobite Syrian Church. The Patriarch of Antioch announced during his visit to Kerala ...