High-powered lasers have transformed the way researchers explore extreme physical phenomena, pushing the boundaries of quantum physics and astrophysics. These lasers, when focused to nearly their ...
Cosmic rays coming from outside the Solar System bring these particles closer to the Sun, where they experience changes ...
While an antimatter engine is very far off, researching it could yield other discoveries as well.
Interstellar travel is only something humanity has achieved in science fiction — like Star Trek's USS Enterprise, which used antimatter engines to travel across star systems. But antimatter isn ...
There's a significant imbalance between matter and antimatter in our universe, but a strange particle called "the Majoron" could finally explain it, an audacious new study suggests. When you ...
Originally from the team behind Rising Storm, a hardcore FPS game with shades of Battlefield and Tarkov has suddenly come back to life.
(Courtesy: CERN/ J Ditzel with AI-assistance) CERN’s ALICE Collaboration has found the first evidence for antihyperhelium-4, which is an antimatter hypernucleus that is a heavier version of antihelium ...
Remember '83? Not the year, obviously, but the multiplayer shooter that was once billed as the next big project from one of the most beloved indie studios.
Back in 2020 the strategy game Antimatter sure looked exciting during the Kickstarter, with the developer steadily building up all the promised features.
Scientists will try to solve puzzles like why post-Big Bang matter conquered antimatter and what undiscovered secrets unify all the fundamental forces of nature. The groundbreaking project ...
In the Big Bang, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts. But fast forward 13.8 billion years to the present day, and the universe is made almost entirely of matter ...
最近,一款本以为夭折的第一人称射击游戏突然起死回生。这款游戏最初由开发了被低估的《风起云涌》的团队打造,它融合了《逃离塔科夫》和《战地》系列的写实风格,同时学习曲线更为平缓,多人模式也更易上手。它最早于2019年公布,之后便销声匿迹,直到去年才被简短 ...