This paper provide a resource for researchers studying the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. It is only the third whole body connectome to be assembled and thus provides a comparison with those ...
This critter is dubbed a “living fossil” and was named New Zealand’s “Bug of the Year,” and the way it turns its prey into ...
In case you hadn't noticed already, Atomfall is a very British game. It features those unmistakable red phone boxes, plummy, moustachioed army generals, and that most quintessentially British creation ...
New Zealand’s Bug of the Year competition has crowned an ancient, bizarre, and surprisingly savage predator as its 2024 champion: the New Zealand velvet worm (Peripatoides novaezealandiae). This ...
今年来最激烈、最复杂天气正在上演,今天开始,南方迎来寒潮核心影响时段。 这次寒潮到来之前,中东部地区先经历了同期少见的大回暖,昨天南方暖意到达顶点,江南、华南多地最高气温超过了30℃,恍如初夏!更有93个国家气象站气温打破3月上旬最高纪录,像杭州、南昌都是当地最早的30℃。 ↑ 湖南衡阳,左图拍摄于3月3日,右图拍摄于3月2日。(图/汪普林) 寒潮的到来直接击溃了南方的夏日“泡沫”。今天下午的24 ...
时隔数月,马斯克又一次宣布其AI游戏愿景。 海外博主Dima Zeniuk称xAI即将开设一家AI游戏工作室,而后该消息得到马斯克证实。 时隔数月,马斯克又一次宣布其AI游戏愿景。 2月17日,海外博主Dima Zeniuk在X平台发布一张埃隆·马斯克与多人的合照,并配文称xAI即将开设一家AI游戏工作室。随后,马斯克本人证实了该消息,强调“这件事情必须做好”,并再次重申“让游戏再次伟大!”(Ma ...