Coffee must have been the secret weapon of Greek, Slav, and Albanian mercenary units, the stratioti, that fought together throughout Europe in the 15th to 18th centuries. The stratioti must have ...
Gambling, one of the most common vices in the world, has a long history that dates all the way back to Ancient Greece.
New research has uncovered the earliest traces of lead contamination caused by human activities, linking the development of ...
A headless and armless small marble Greek sculpture from the Hellenistic period turned up in the trash in Thessaloniki.
A historic marble statue of a woman has been found discarded in a rubbish bag by a local resident near Thessaloniki, Greece.
For history lovers, its ancient ruins and museums lined with artifacts should entice—but if your idea of a getaway is one ...
The expansion of the Roman empire to Greece 2,100 years ago coincided with a rise in lead pollution as a by-product of an increased demand for metals, according to some of the earliest traces of of ...
Authorities in Greece said Friday they have arrested a suspect accused of setting up online auctions to sell ancient Greek ...