According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, musty crypts and the decayed remains of ...
Nefertiti is one of the most fascinating Egyptian rulers in history. She was a queen, but also a priestess - and might have even been a pharaoh. She and her husband, Amenhotep IV (AKA Akhenaten), ...
A new, first-of-its-kind analysis of the scents of nine mummies detected woody, spicy, herbal and rancid notes, among other ...
There is nothing about the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) which does not scream “big”. Its mighty size is apparent long before ...
A Python interface for ab initio path integral molecular dynamics simulations (and more). i-PI is a Python server (that does not need to be compiled and only requires ...
What do we know about Mycenaean trade? By looking at archaeological evidence, we can see which places the Mycenaeans traded ...
In the following days, a screenshot of the exchange received viral spread online. For example, on February 7th, 2021, Instagram [3] page someweebwatchingcartoons posted the screenshot, with the post ...
Pharaohs were the kings of Ancient Egypt. They ruled over the land, collected taxes from the people, enforced the law and led the Egyptian army against invaders. Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is ...
古埃及的历史可谓是跌宕起伏,在古埃及发展至第12-13王朝的这段时间里,古埃及遭受了来自如今叙利亚至巴勒斯坦地区的喜克索斯人的入侵,刚刚出现崛起的征兆就这样被抹杀了。好在当时间来到第17王朝末期时,底比斯的古埃及人发起了驱逐外族的北伐运动,并通过几代 ...
LA Opera has announced details for the company's 40th anniversary season, which will launch on September 20, 2025. In his ...
门农巨像(ColossiofMemnon)是矗立在尼罗河西岸和帝王谷之间原野上的两座岩石巨像。原来是“阿敏何特普(AMENHOTEP)三世”法老神殿前的雕像,但神殿本身已无踪影。巨象高20米,风化严重,面部已不可辨识。坐像是由新王国时代鼎盛期的阿蒙荷太普三世建造的。坐像身后,原来是他的葬祭殿,但后来的法老拆了这座建筑,并把他做为自己的建筑物的石料。到了托勒密王朝时代,建筑物已经完全被破坏了。人们认 ...