These new devices are called the Alienware 16 Area 51 and Alienware 18 Area 51, bringing back an iconic brand name for Alienware laptops, starting back in 2008 with the Alienware M9750 Area 51 and ...
ft. of rummage deals Things To Do | Continuing the culture: Bay Area Lion Dancers prepare for Lunar New Year (As always, be sure to double check event and venue websites for any last-minute ...
IT之家1 月 15 日消息,天钡今日发布了 GEM12 Max 迷你主机,搭载 AMD 锐龙 R7-8745HS 处理器,售价 1959 元起。 天钡 GEM12 Max 迷你主机搭载锐龙 R7-8745HS 处理器,8 核心 16 线程;搭载大面积 VC 均热板散热器,支持 70W 性能释放(需在 BIOS 中手动开启)。 天钡 GEM12 Max 迷你 ...
Alienware标志性机型Area-51重回产品家族,以全新台式机和游戏本形态焕新登场。Alienware 外星人 Area-51承载着深厚的传奇色彩,其历史可追溯到1998年。
Area-51 laptops are flashier than those machines while featuring an air of otherworldly elegance. The new Liquid Teal finish on anodized aluminum gives Alienware’s laptops a dark iridescent ...
CONCORD, Calif. – The San Francisco Bay Area was met with another earthquake on Sunday morning, the second quake to affect the area since Friday. The magnitude-3.7 earthquake’s epicenter ...
Northeast Minneapolis’ cozy spot for creative burgers and more quietly closed with the new year. It held a liquidation sale Jan. 4, and has a simple sign posted on the door, leaving Sheridan ...
SEATTLE, Wash. — Zoya Eshwar is an 11-year-old from the Seattle area who understands the power a paintbrush can hold. She is currently working on a massive peace monument for the war-torn Middle ...
The earthquake occurred about three miles northwest of the San Francisco Zoo in the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Geological Survey reported, with none to light shaking felt in the area. As of Friday ...
Alienware resurrects the super-powerful gaming PCs Area-51, which were last released in 2017. Components in the massive 80-liter case cost a fortune. The completely redesigned air flow direction ...
Alienware今日宣布推出最新Alienware外星人27英寸4K QD-OLED游戏显示器(AW2725Q),为玩家提供无与伦比的视觉清晰度、速度及沉浸体验。在QD-OLED创新技术的加持下,Alienware持续引领游戏显示器技术变革。此前,Alienware就曾以34英寸超宽屏QD-OLED显示器吸引一众玩家目光 ...