Mathematical equations have shaped our understanding of the universe, and these nine have played a key role in changing the world.
In the process, their experiment included photons in 37 dimensions, taking science even further down this strange quantum ...
Scientists push the limits of quantum mechanics, discovering light particles that exist in 37 different dimensions.
In the process, their experiment included photons in 37 dimensions, taking science even further down this strange quantum ...
Light, the fastest entity in the universe, has long been considered an unbreakable speed limit of nature. But what if we ...
We’ve all learned in school that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant universal limit, an impassable cosmic boundary.
Black holes are as dangerous as they are distant, so scientists set out to simulate one in a lab. What happened next would ...
Dark energy is still a mystery, but powerful new telescopes are set to uncover clues. With NASA and ESA leading the charge, ...
I once thought that if I could ask God one question, I would ask how the universe began, because once I knew that, all the ...
Rather than relying on a cheek swab or a little blood, however, these cosmic DNA tests utilize tiny ripples in the fabric of ...
Warp drives like in 'Star Trek' may actually be possible in the future and engines could power transport at the speed of ...
A new analysis of M87*, the first black hole imaged by humanity, has revealed turbulence in the matter around it, which this supermassive black hole feasts upon.