The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has ramped up effort to tackle the menace of child labour in Nigeria’s artisanal ...
Despite laws against it, child labour continues to exploit millions of children in Bangladesh. To address it properly, along with legal issues, the cultural and social dimensions must also be taken in ...
These treaties guide Zimbabwe’s rigorous efforts to combat child labour, clearly reflecting the nation’s stance against child exploitation. Furthermore, Zimbabwe’s domestic legislation ...
In the country devastated by more than 10 years of war, there are very young children, even 13-year-olds, driving taxis or public transport. The hope of earning even small amounts of money to ...
When the most recent figures were published, the Child Poverty Action Group warned ministers that, by relying so heavily on a single policy measure, they were unlikely to meet their targets for child ...
A couple in north-east Pakistan has been detained on suspicion of murdering a 13-year-old girl who worked for them as a maid, for allegedly stealing chocolates. The girl who goes only by one name, ...
The Conservative Party has reacted with fury after Labour MPs yet again voted against holding an inquiry into child sexual abuse this afternoon. The Tories tried amending the Schools Bill during ...
Child rights violations are an escalating crisis that threatens the very fabric of our society. The increasing cases of child rights violations, school dropouts, and lack of awareness in rural areas ...