Whether you're sedentary or hitting the weight rack, it's important to stretch the shoulders, neck, back and wrists to relieve tension and improve mobility.
If you want to exercise more, the key is to start thinking of yourself as an exerciser. This article explains why that's so ...
While going to the gym can be a nice outing, it's far more convenient to exercise at home and helps to eliminate excuses. If ...
Louis Mthembi, owner of Power House Gym, shares fitness tips, inspiring others to lead healthier, happier lives.
According to Canada’s General Social Survey that we do every 10 years, Canadians are attending houses of worship less often, ...
Given how much time we spend hunched up over a phone or a laptop, rounded shoulders are becoming a problem. Here are some ...
The review stated that the Navy Seal who led the workout declined to be interviewed, though others in the investigation were ...
I confess that like a lot of people, I am guilty of not getting in my steps. After hours at my desk, the thought of changing, ...
Jitika Gupta- marketing director, BigMuscles Nutrition, talks to Shailja Tiwari about the brand’s strategy to expand its ...
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) benefits include weight loss and fat loss, faster metabolism, improved heart health and lower stress and anxiety.
Ivanka Trump‘s “luxury personal trainer” has revealed how you can get your dream body from the comfort of your home.