IT之家 2 月 11 日消息,由 Firaxis Games 和 2K 所带来的策略游戏《席德・梅尔的文明 VII(Sid Meier's Civilization VII,文明 ...
Laptops have become an indispensable part of working in the modern model. A laptop that comes powered with the Intel Core i3 ...
在这个充满历史厚重感的2月11日,《席德·梅尔的文明 VII》(简称《文明7》)终于荣耀发售,带领玩家踏入一个崭新的策略游戏时代。由Firaxis Games和2K推出的这款游戏现已全面登陆PlayStation、Xbox、Switch和PC平台,Steam国区售价从298元起,豪华版售价428元,创始人版本则定价558元。
Find the Right Laptop for Your Needs When it comes to choosing a laptop for your studies, the key question is often how to ...
Amazon India is hosting a Mega Electronics Days sale, featuring a wide selection of headphones, laptops, smartwatches, and ...
策略游戏爱好者们翘首以盼的时刻终于来临,《席德·梅尔的文明 VII》已正式登陆PlayStation、Xbox、Switch以及PC平台,其中包括Steam国区,基础版售价为298元,豪华版428元,而创始人版本则高达558元。 这款由Firaxis ...
AMD与Intel的最新一代处理器近日已正式亮相,并接受了知名硬件评测网站Tom's Hardware的全面测试。测试从游戏性能、单线程性能以及多线程性能等多个维度展开,为消费者提供了详尽的参考。 在游戏性能领域,AMD的X3D系列处理器表现尤为抢眼 ...
Sid Meier's Civilization VII has officially launched. The game has already received its first updates, which are expected to fix at least some of the game's numerous problems.
Are you wondering about the Civilization 7 PC system requirements? You're not alone. Here's what we know about it.