There’s something truly special about bringing your creative ideas to life with your hands -- and a 3D printer can make that magic happen. Whether you’re crafting custom cosplay gear ...
2 Auxiliary Fuel Tanks (ACTs) for over 4000 nm of range non-stop (Middle East to Europe - Europe to US East Coast – Asia to Middle East) ...
The 3D Lotto draw is held every 11AM, 4PM, and 9PM every day except when there is a cancellation of draws due to a holiday. In such cases, PCSO makes a prior announcement. Today, THURSDAY, aside from ...
Some travellers can't bear being in the vicinity of children on flights. And it's understandable - as they are prone to ...
从两大国际飞机制造商的数据来看,波音和空客主要机型的用钛量逐步提高。 减轻飞机重量、增加运载能力、降低油耗是航空公司选择飞机的重要依据,提高钛材用量对于未来民用客机的开发具有重要意义。根据《航空用钛及钛合金的发展及应用》、《钛合金在民用飞机上的应用及发展趋势》,波音公司的 B737、B747、B777 钛用量分别为 18 吨、45 吨和 59 吨,而 B787 飞机用钛量达到 136 ...
Bridgestone Americas (Bridgestone) today unveiled the new Bridgestone R273 Ecopia regional tire for the steer position and the Bridgestone Duravis M705 for mixed fleet vehicles in pick up and delivery ...