Director David Lynch, whose works plumbed the dream life of the American unconscious, revealing both joy and the deepest of horrors within, died today at the age of 78. “It is with deep regret that we ...
“Today, I was thinking about the Ukrainians,” Lynch said. After a long pause, he addressed Vladimir Putin directly: “Right now, Mr. Putin, you are sowing death and destruction. […] There’s plenty of ...
DAVID LYNCH, THE FILMMAKER, musician, and painter, died this week following a serious decline in health after evacuating his home during the Southern California wildfires. He was 78 and a heavy smoker ...
David Keith Lynch was born in Missoula, Montana in 1946 to a research scientist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a job that forced a lot of relocations for the Lynch family, including stops in ...
He was born on January 20 1946 in Missoula, Montana, to a research scientist for the US Department of Agriculture and an English teacher. His upbringing has the glow of cosy Americana: a high ...
波兰的电子戏行业正经历着前所未有的发展。任何重大国际比赛都无法忽略波兰电游产品,波兰产品总会将几项奖项收入囊中。获奖的产品主要包括CD Projekt Red公司的《巫师》三部曲。《巫师》的成功,证明了波兰电游行业前景和利润性。 主流媒体上有关波兰 ...
随着二战的结束,美国对格陵兰岛的事实控制也再无法理依据。但随着冷战的兴起,1946年美国政权以格陵兰控制了部分从苏联北冰洋港口至大西洋的海路,具有战略重要意义为由,向丹麦政府提出用1亿美元的价格购买格陵兰的提议。 实际上,这并非美国第一次 ...
但随着冷战的兴起,1946年美国政权以格陵兰控制了部分从苏联北冰洋港口至大西洋的海路,具有战略重要意义为由,向丹麦政府提出用1亿美元的 ...