'Max and Harvey are a credit to the University and its Sport Journalism course.' Teesside University is committed to ...
The XTREAM research project aims to develop innovative and sustainable bioprocesses for fields such as pharma, medicine and ...
You are well prepared for work in a range of social work settings. An outstanding feature of our courses is the successful collaboration with local statutory and voluntary social work organisations, ...
Events and workshops including Library skills workshops and student support activities.
The School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Law provides excellence in teaching and research in a diverse range of areas including criminology, education, law, policing and investigation, psychology, ...
We offer a wide range of courses all starting in may so why wait? Find your course and apply now. Did you know, we offer a range of scholarships if you are applying to study a postgraduate course here ...
Events and workshops including Library skills workshops and student support activities.
Social work promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for ...
Located on the southern edge of campus, Parkside Halls has a range of rooms. Set over three floors it's a very sociable place to live allowing you to easily mix with other students. Facing ...
Your research, writing and interpretation skills are highly valued in a range of sectors. Teaching staff are all active researchers and creative practitioners, and you benefit from their specialist ...
Learn about your subject, learn about yourself and learn a whole lot more in between.
Through education enriched by research, innovation, and engagement with business and the professions, we develop the next generation of problem solvers, innovators and leaders that employers and ...