Societies today face daunting challenges: population growth, rapid urbanization, ecological and environmental disturbances, and an unpredictable global marketplace. To address these complex and ...
The study of the evolution of cultural systems has undergone a series of permutations in the course of the past century. Studies of cultural evolution began in earnest with the work of two of the most ...
The Graduate Workshop in Computational Social Science Modeling and Complexity brings together a group of advanced Ph.D. students and a small faculty for an intensive two-week study of computational ...
Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for ...
Applications for the third Complexity Global School (CGS) are now open. The school will be hosted at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and applicants from all countries are eligible to ...
The Santa Fe Institute is an independent, nonprofit research and education center that leads global research in complexity science. SFI scientists seek the shared patterns and regularities across ...
The possible distinction between inanimate and living matter has been of interest to humanity for thousands of years. Clearly, such a rich question can not be answered in a single manner, and a ...
We argue for expanding the role of theory in ecology to accelerate scientific progress, enhance ability to address environmental challenges, foster the development of synthesis and unification, and ...
For nearly a century, scientists from a diverse set of fields have been captured by questions about the origins of life. How did life, in all of its complexity, arise from comparatively simple matter?