Councils have called for more funding for trading standards services following an investigation highlighting a “postcode lottery” in enforcement.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Gavin Lewis is managing director, head of UK LGPS, at asset manager BlackRock ...
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Government rules on allocating public investment will change to ensure regions outside London and the south-east are not unfairly overlooked.
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The public sector could save £45bn every year just by updating its technology, a new report claims.
Angela Rayner has been warned plans to create ‘mega councils’ could “take powers away from local communities”.
Prevention – the art of staving off problems before they become large, messy and expensive – has appeared in countless manifestos as a magic wand for fiscal recovery. Yet despatch box promises have ...
Barnet Council has been forced to issue a Section 114 notice after an accounting error saw it make two unlawful transactions in relation to its pension scheme.