Of the 5.9 million children who die each year, poor nutrition plays a role in at least half these deaths. That’s wrong. Hunger isn’t about too many people and too little food. It’s about power, and ...
More than 38 million people live in poverty in the United States—the wealthiest country in the world. Oxfam exposes the realities of life for working poor people and offers pragmatic solutions to ...
Famine continues to threaten four countries affected by conflict and climate shocks. East African countries are being hit hard by ongoing conflicts, global inequality and surging food prices. Five ...
An equal future is possible only if we work in partnership. With your support—and that of more than 2,300 local organizations and international allies—Oxfam reaches tens of millions of people in more ...
Effective assistance to end poverty and injustice must be designed by the people who need it most. Foreign aid is an essential part of U.S. foreign policy and has proven to be a key factor in reducing ...
Corporations and billionaires are increasing their wealth at astounding rates while the rest of us are suffering the consequences of their greed. Oxfam’s new report, “Takers, Not Makers,” explores how ...
Ending poverty and injustice starts with gender justice and rights for women. Gender discrimination and persecution threaten the safety and dignity of millions of women around the world. Queer, trans, ...