Acta diurna is our Mithraic social stream for keeping up to date with what is happening in The New Mithraeum. Thinking of ...
Flavius Antistianus was a prominent figure in the Roman Mithraic cult. He held the distinguished title of pater patrum, suggesting his considerable influence and authority within the Mithraic ...
Tiberius Claudius Hermes, libertus of Tiberius Claudius Secundus. The latter is elsewhere attested as uiator tribunicius, lictor curiatus, and had been personally honoured by the businessmen who trade ...
The Mithraeum at Marino.The altar is dedicated to the unconquered god by a certain Crescens, who claims to be an actor (proxy) of M. Alfius Severus. The latter must have been an important person, ...
Scholar, politician and a court astrologer to the Roman emperors Claudius, Nero and Vespasian. Ti. Claudius Balbillus was both the leading astrologer of the period in Rome and related by marriage, ...
Pater Patrum and Senator. He was also the patriarch of the Olympian dynasty, overseeing a Mithraic community in the centre of Rome. Patriarch of the Olympius family, of senatorial rank, who for at ...
The monument was dedicated by two brothers, one of them being the Pater of his community. In h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) / deo invicto / Mytrhe (sic!) ara/m ex voto ...
A certain Terentius Priscus Eucheta, who had been initiated and cured, thanks the invincible god Navarze [Nabarze] for granting his wish. Note that this text gives b(oti) for v(oti) and Navarze for ...
Publilius Ceionius Caecina Albinus was a prominent Roman politician who lived in the middle of the 4th century AD. He is thought to have been one of the sons of Gaius Ceionius Rufius Volusianus ...
Pater at Caseggiato di Diana. Marcus Lollianus Callinicus being a father, Quintus Petronius Felix Marsus [...] donated the image of Arimanius and dedicated it. In the mithraeum of the Casa di Diana (I ...
Manfred Clauss's introduction to the Roman Mithras cult has become widely accepted as the most reliable and readable account of this fascinating subject. The Mithras cult first became evident in Rome ...
Titus Flavius Verecundus was a centurion from Savaria in the Claudia tribe, indicating his Roman citizenship. His service was with the Legio XIV Gemina. As a follower of the Mithraic cult, he made a ...