The 17th issue of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) East and Southeast Asia newsletter is now available. It provides an overview of the activities from July to December 2024 as ...
Ethiopia's dairy sector offers immense potential to enhance nutrition, strengthen food security and boost economic growth. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), in collaboration with ...
Driving innovation in the Ethiopian agriculture sector is critical if we are to ensure improved food security and livelihoods of farmers in the country. As part of this, solutions need to be developed ...
Livestock, particularly small ruminants (sheep and goats), plays a vital role in the livelihoods of 80% of Mali's rural population and contributes significantly to the country's economy. However, ...
When discussing the value of livestock, the literature often emphasizes economic and food-related benefits. However, livestock mean much more, particularly for pastoralists. Beyond their economic ...
A gender-inclusive approach to community livestock vaccination can help address the different barriers faced by men and women farmers and may increase the uptake of livestock vaccines Scientists at ...