在刚果民主共和国东部,战争仍在给人们的身心留下深深的伤痕。随着战斗升级,平民陷入了无休止的暴力循环之中。为了躲避火箭弹和炮弹的袭击,数百万人被迫背井离乡,逃往营地避难,面临着不确定的未来。但是,对许多人而言,冲突带来的后果远不止流离失所——而是烙印在 ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 访问期间,柯邱鸣在喀布尔与阿富汗当局进行了接触,会见了患者和人道服务受益者,并评估了红十字国际委员会对当前阿富汗人道危机的响应。他还会见了阿富汗红新月会的领导层 ...
The eventual toll was not one hundred thousand wounded, but 140,000 deaths by the end of 1945, increasing further to 320,000 ...
A nossa missão é proteger a vida e a dignidade das pessoas afetadas por conflitos armados e prestar-lhes assistência como alimentos e água potável, assistência à saúde e abrigo. Também trabalhamos ...
I am honoured to represent the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) at the third Meeting of States Parties to the ...
We have offices in over 90 countries around the world, providing assistance and protection to people affected by conflict.