Vill du söka till ett av våra internationella magisterprogram? På denna sida får du en översikt av ansökningsprocessen. Bekanta dig med tidtabellen för antagningen och varje steg som måste tas och ...
Helsingin yliopiston englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden maisteriohjelmassa syvennät asiantuntemustasi aihepiireissä, joita usein opetetaan omina opinto-ohjelminaan, eli englannin kielessä ja ...
Maantieteellinen koulutus tarjoaa laaja-alaisen ymmärryksen ajankohtaisista yhteiskunnallisista ja ympäristöä koskevista kysymyksistä. Maantieteen maisteriohjelma jakaantuu kolmeen opintosuuntaan: 1) ...
Kasvit ovat luonnon omia aurinkovoimaloita ja ylläpitävät elämää maapallolla. Ne ovat useimpien ravintoverkkojen ja ekosysteemien perusta. Kasvit tuottavat happea ja muuttavat auringon energian ...
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is Finland’s largest university department for mathematical sciences. Its multifaceted research has received the highest points in numerous assessments.
We are a nationally unique faculty with a high international standing. We produce new research-based knowledge and train experts of sustainable bioeconomy and related business operations for the needs ...
At the Faculty of Arts you can complete a degree in 6 Bachelor’s, 18 Master’s and 11 Doctoral programmes. The University of Helsinki scores highly in international comparisons of research and teaching ...
In the Master’s Programme in Economics at the University of Helsinki, you get a demanding high-quality education in the field of economics by focusing on the key elements of economic analysis and ...
The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
Would you like to be involved in finding solutions to future challenges of food and energy production, such as climate change, population growth and limited energy resources? Are you interested in ...
P.O. Box 3 (Fabianinkatu 33) 00014 University of Helsinki Switchboard: +358 (0) 2941 911 (mobile call charge / local network charge) ...
Our understanding of the universe is based on advances made in basic science research over approximately the last 100 years. The core scientific disciplines of math & statistics, physics, chemistry, ...