Cinneadh glactha ag an gComhairle síniú a cheadú idir an tAontas agus an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin le haghaidh ...
The Council appointed Peter Sørensen as EU Special Representative (EUSR) for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, from 1 February ...
The Council today adopted additional restrictive measures against three Russian individuals responsible for a series of ...
The Council today approved conclusions on the priorities of the European Union in United Nations Human Rights fora in 2025.
The Council prolonged the EU sectoral restrictive measures in view of the Russian Federation's continuing actions ...
Today, the Council decided to suspend parts of the EU-Georgia visa facilitation agreement. This may lead to Georgian ...
Rada přijala rozhodnutí umožňující podpis dohody mezi EU a Bosnou a Hercegovinou o operativní podpoře ze strany agentury ...
Council adopts decision to allow signature between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina for Frontex operational support.
Utilizziamo i cookie per garantirti la migliore esperienza di navigazione possibile sul sito web del Consiglio. Alcuni cookie servono per ottenere statistiche aggregate sulle visite al sito che ci ...
La 9 decembrie 2016, Consiliul a demarat lucrările cu privire la un set de propuneri care vizează modificarea actualelor norme ale uniunii bancare. Acesta a invitat Comisia Europeană să lucreze la ...
Il-Mekkaniżmu Superviżorju Uniku (MSU) huwa l-ewwel pilastru tal-unjoni bankarja. Dan jiżgura superviżjoni msaħħa tas-settur bankarju tal-Ewropa.
Rada se 9. prosince 2016 začala zabývat souborem návrhů, jejichž cílem je novelizovat stávající pravidla bankovní unie. K práci na těchto návrzích vyzvala Evropskou komisi ve svých závěrech z 17.