Roof produced a 10 percent decrease in building energy use over the winter months. The temperature on the green roof on the hottest summer days can be as much as 59 degrees cooler than conventional ...
The linear wetland in the middle of the park with terraces covered by a variety of native grasses and wetland plants (view facing north). The terraced wetland is heavily planted to clean the ...
The Professional Practice Library at ASLA houses more than 2,000 volumes on landscape architecture and related fields, and receives more than 130 journals and newsletters. In addition, it has archival ...
The home’s interior space flows out into the garden. The steel framed door and window panels of the living room and adjacent dining room frame the outdoors where the lush plantings are visible ...
Site plan and regenerative design strategies for three sections along the shore: to stop soil erosion, renew dying vegetation, rehabilitate the damaged shoreline, and recover a wetland through an ...
Groves of Palo Breas and reflecting pools define the event terrace west of the new Center. Sculptural desert plantings adjacent to the Center reflect the order and symmetry of the building. Solar ...
Are there vertical farms in practice now, or are they all in the concept / design phase? No, there are no vertical farms in existence as we speak. This is now April 2009, but what there are lots of ...
In the beginning of your and Joshua David’s personal story about transforming the abandoned High Line rail line into the most applauded park of recent years, The High Line: The Inside Story of New ...
Section 1 of the High Line extends over nine city blocks from Gansevoort Street to West 20th Street on the west side of Manhattan. View of the Gansevoort entry, looking north. The existing cut at the ...
In more than 60 countries, you have worked on some of the finest sustainable tourism planning and eco-lodge projects in the world, including the Crosswaters Ecolodge in China, which won two ASLA ...
Any residential landscape can be designed to both reduce flooding during storms and conserve water in times of water scarcity. Homeowners can use green infrastructure approaches, like bioswales and ...
In your book Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces, co-authored with Naomi Sachs, ASLA, you argue we’re returning to the wisdom ...