As the West’s power wanes in other areas, Vijay Prashad explains how it's using the arms industry to assert itself. SIG TUNE FADE UP AND UNDER VIJAY: The neoliberals keep telling us that there are ...
Written well before Russia’s recent invasion, this 2020 profile of Ukraine, by Bennett Murray, provides context to the often-raised issue of fascism in the country.
Eiad Husham reports on how the flow of weapons into Sudan is fuelling violence and the devastation of war. In the Kalma camp for internally displaced people in South Darfur, Fatma Osman is struggling ...
People across the world are standing up to the power of the arms trade. Amy Hall explores its threat to life and democracy. It’s a cold, bright morning on a narrow street in Brighton, on the south ...
Mohammad Asif Khan maps how shared nationalist ideology and a booming arms trade formed a bond between the governments of India and Israel. The arms trade is bad for both people and the planet. We ...