The gene-edited GMOs to be exempted are those classed as the products of SDN1 (gene disruption) and SDN2 (gene modification). As with the recent deregulation of gene-edited GMOs in England, the New ...
Former chair Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP). Former Trustee of Sense About Science. Sat on Food Standards Agency's General Advisory Committee on Science.
Does mention of allergen-free peanuts, striga-resistant cowpeas, salt-resistant wheat, beta-carotene rich sweet potatoes, and virus-resistant cassavas make you think of GM? If so, you've missed the ...
"A handful of biotech and pesticide corporations will reap the benefits and profits, while farmers, consumers and nature face significant risks and losses" – Friends of the Earth Europe 1. New Polish ...
Testbiotech has published a new backgrounder summarising recent research showing clear evidence that the EU Commission proposal for the future regulation of plants obtained from new genetic ...
Scientists call for halt on work to develop mirror bacteria that would evade immune response Leading scientists have called for a halt on research to create “mirror life” microbes amid concerns that ...
Making a credit or debit card donation is quick and easy through our secure system. You can choose to make either a single, a regular monthly, or an annual donation ...
AI technologies now enable developers to even create "new-to-nature" proteins and organisms, which could pose previously unknown risks A new report released today by Save Our Seeds highlights the ...
GMWatch provides the public with the latest news and comment on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops and their associated pesticides. GMWatch gratefully acknowledges donations from many ...