As of yesterday, Microsoft has silently forced all PCs running Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 10 22H2 to install the new Outlook ...
Microsoft has released the KB5051974 cumulative update for Windows 10 22H2 and Windows 10 21H2, which automatically installs ...
Prevent the automatic installation of the new Outlook app with the Windows 10 KB5051974 update . Regardless of the advantages ...
How to prevent Outlook from installing with Windows 10 KB5051974, which is February 2025's big cumulative update (mandatory).
Microsoft has released the KB5051974 cumulative update for versions 22H2 and 21H2, adding security fixes and patching a ...
微软力推新版 Outlook,但许多用户仍然偏爱经典版 Outlook。如果你也对经典版 Outlook 界面上的“Try the new Outlook”按钮感到厌烦,本文将教你如何通过修改注册表,轻松移除该按钮,让你的 Outlook 界面回归简洁。
The new Outlook is being forced onto Windows 10 PCs through the latest security update.
微软 Outlook 网页版和新版 Windows 客户端将允许用户自定义邮件收件人分隔符。目前,分号和逗号均可作为分隔符。更新后,用户可选择继续使用逗号作为分隔符,或将其视为联系人姓名的一部分。此举将方便使用“姓氏,名字”格式的组织。
Microsoft is automatically installing the new Outlook app for all Windows 10 users. You can prevent it with this trick.
Windows 10 KB5051974 patches DAC and USB issues, bundles Outlook web app in the start menu (direct download .msu) ...
All Windows 10 devices will receive the new Outlook as part of this update. The new Outlook app will appear as an additional programme on devices running Windows 10. It will not replace the ...