Autonomous driving poses a significant and underestimated risk to Uber's business. Read why I reiterate my neutral rating on ...
2025年自动驾驶有望取得突破性进展。Alphabet (GOOG.US,GOOGL.US)旗下的Waymo宣布,其自动驾驶服务已扩展到硅谷的新地区。从现在开始,这项7×24小时全天候无人驾驶出租车服务将在山景城、洛斯阿尔托斯、帕洛阿尔托和森尼维尔的部分地区运营。与此同时, Lyft (LYFT.US)准备今年晚些时候在亚特兰大推出自动驾驶服务,特斯拉 ...
Uber (UBER) stock has been stuck in neutral since Tesla announced its robo-taxi plans last year. Barron’s reports that ...
Uber Technologies’ stock is at a crossroads. Investors should take it. Shares of the ride-sharing company have been stuck in ...
Some retail investors have been trying to catch a falling knife with Tesla stock, but many have had their fingers nicked. Dr James Fox explores. The post £10,000 invested in Tesla stock a fortnight ...
智通财经APP获悉,优步 (UBER.US)周二将开始在德克萨斯州奥斯汀市为其用户提供Alphabet (GOOGL.US)旗下Waymo的无人驾驶出租车服务。这是双方合作关系的正式落地。据悉,优步和Waymo在去年9月宣布扩大合作关系,从2025年初开始在奥斯汀市和亚特兰大推出无人驾驶出租车服务。 -- Uber Technologies Inc将在奥斯汀开始为用户提供Waymo无人驾驶车辆出行选项,标志着两家公司合作的正式开始。 从周二起,用户在请求UberX、Uber Green、Uber ...
Uber Technologies ( UBER -2.37%) has left investors with a range of views. On the one hand, it has performed well in recent quarters, delivering growth and profits. It has also attracted billionaire ...
The potential for increased competition in the AV market remains a factor that could impact Waymo’s strategy and market position. The maintenance of the Market Perform rating by JMP reflects a ...
The maintenance of the Market Perform rating by JMP reflects a cautious but watchful stance on Alphabet’s stock as it relates to Waymo’s operations and expansion plans. The analysts ...