But when the task at hand is growing oxide layers on silicon chips in preparation for making your own integrated circuits, it turns out that the old Mark 1 eyeball is all you need. Alert readers ...
By way of example, TSMC's N3E node as used in the latest Apple chips has gate pitch of at minimum 45 nm and a metal pitch of ...
The video below shows his two-step process, which first blasts the silicon oxide layer off the wafer before doping with the laser shining through a bath of phosphoric acid. The process is ...
A team of researchers at Peking University claims to have made a breakthrough in chip technology, potentially reshaping the ...
Researchers from UNSW and Longi have found that the silicon nitride layers used in TOPCon cell rear-side are particularly ...
A major breakthrough at Peking University might have just found the first step beyond silicon for semiconductors.
Sound tends to escape into the silicon oxide layer underneath the silicon structures, reducing efficiency. Previous solutions involved suspending the silicon structures but this approach was ...
VCG. A Chinese research team has developed a silicon photonic integrated high-order mode multiplexer chip, enabling ...