Bentley, for its part ... edition of its top-of-the-line Mulsanne saloon. Called the Mulsanne 95, the limited-edition limo gets three very British color options, dark-tint finish for the Flying ...
Probably the only time a Bentley Mulsanne could come off as somewhat ordinary is when it shares a driveway with the Bentley State Limousine built for Queen Victoria. That's exactly what's going to ...
For that, he comes up with a trick – the CGI expert's take on the Bentley Mulsanne rebirth isn't a ... versions are the S 680 Guard bulletproof limo, the Mercedes-AMG S 63 E Performance, or ...
But this is an important car for Bentley, replacing the Mulsanne for many customers as their limo, who have asked for this rather than a Flying Spur with more leg room. And, of course, you need to ...