If you think you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 right away or go to the nearest emergency department. Know your health care options. The following is a list of family ...
Mon. - Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
In support of our commitment to accountability and transparency, all correspondence items addressed to Council that are not already on a committee or Council agenda will be posted here every Friday.
We're working with all 12 cities / towns in Niagara to reduce illegal dumping and hold those who dump responsible for their actions.
The Council Strategic Priorities create a link between Niagara's population growth and the financial, social, economic and environmental requirements for building a sustainable future. The priorities ...
If you want to quit smoking or have a smoking related complaint, call 905-688-8248 ext. 7393 or complete the form. Calls and emails will be returned Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. All ...
Emergency assistance is available to you if you are not in receipt of social assistance. It can help you with issues that are detrimental to your health and well-being, or to that of a family member.
For visitation in long-term care homes, retirement homes or hospitals, please follow-up with the specific health care facility for their visitation recommendations during outbreaks. Ministry of Health ...
Submit one application for any licensed child care options and before-and-after school programs that meet your family's needs. Niagara Child Care Registry allows a parent to apply for up to 10 centres ...
The Sewer Use By-Law protects the sewer infrastructure, which includes the sewer lines, sewage pump-stations and wastewater treatment plants. Discharges in excess of the by-law may damage the sewer ...
Sunday: Closed Open all statutory holidays 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. except Christmas Day, New Year's Day Waste Info-Line: 905-356-4141 (toll-free: 1-800-594-5542) No charge to drop off household hazardous ...
These teaching tools are designed to support teachers in creating comprehensive lesson plans to cover health-related content in the classroom. The resources are guidelines and suggestions for teachers ...