Florida’s 42 Domestic Violence Shelters are on pins and needles as the state opens two investigations into Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the non-profit the funnels state money to the ...
One in three girls falls victim to sexual abuse before turning 18. The same is true for one in five boys. Due to a patchwork of laws around sexual battery in Florida it can be difficult hold ...
Governor Charlie Crist waited until the final hours before the Florida Primary to endorse John McCain. That endorsement is given credit by many insiders for pushing the Arizona Senator over the top.
74 Cities and five counties operate red light cameras in Florida and A new study by a state government watch dog is giving the cameras a mixed review and it’s energizing critics who want the law ...
Governor Ron DeSantis has made his third appointment to the Florida Supreme Court, naming a nearly 18 year veteran of state Government rather than a judge to the states highest court. What sets this ...
The latest numbers from the state show that a controversial ballot initiative is about 110,000 signatures short of appearing on the November ballot. Florida Hometown Democracy wants voters to have the ...
Florida is increasingly being called a purple state…a state which could go either way in a Presidential election. Our 27 Electoral votes are crucial to who becomes the next President of the United ...
Giving false information to police about a missing child could soon land someone behind bars for a long time. Legislation heard by House and Senate Committees today in Tallahassee makes it a felony ...
Florida is missing out on an estimated two to four billion dollars in sales tax revenue every year. The state depends on the honor system to collect taxes on internet purchases. It’s not working. As ...
Governor Ron Desantis campaigned against allowing cities and counties to buck federal immigration authorities, and ending the practice was a theme of his inaugural address. “We will stand for the rule ...