- The current evidence neither supports nor refutes the safety and efficacy (usefulness) of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the treatment of reflux in preterm infants. What is gastroesophageal ...
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The Digital Marketing Manager is an exciting new role that reflects the strategic importance of digital marketing to Cochrane ...
The available high- to moderate-certainty evidence shows there is likely little or no difference in primary survival outcomes between PCRS and NACT for those with advanced EOC who are suitable for ...
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RCM在临床实践中可能具有潜在作用,特别对于仅使用视觉检查和皮肤镜检查难以诊断的病变的评估,其中证据表明与皮肤镜检查相比,RCM敏感性和特异性可能更高。鉴于缺乏与皮肤镜检查进行比较的数据,所提出的结果需要通过前瞻性研究,在真实环境的代表性 ...
Catherine Spencer OBE, who served as the Cochrane Collaboration’s Chief Executive Officer since 2022, has decided to step down from the role. Catherine has led Cochrane through transformational change ...
Il y a beaucoup d'incertitude quant aux effets bénéfiques et indésirables du traitement à la colchicine. La colchicine pourrait avoir des effets bénéfiques importants sur la réduction de l'infarctus ...
我们在两项符合条件的研究中发现了18个方法学过滤器。第一项研究的检索策略具有较高的敏感性和准确性,经过外部验证和有针对性的观察研究。第二项研究的检索策略灵敏度和精确度较低,主要针对cNRSs,且没有经过外部验证。鉴于这一有限和异质性的证据 ...
소아암 생존자의 무증상성 심부전에 대한 에날라프릴의 효과가 확인된 임상시험은 1건뿐이었다. 에날라프릴이 일시적으로 심장 기능변수 중 한 항목(LVESWS)을 개선했지만, 임상 결과의 개선 여부는 분명하지 않다. 또한 에날라프릴에 의해 현기증, 저혈압 ...
To evaluate the benefits and harms of oral nicotine pouches when used to help people transition away from combustible tobacco use (smoking) To evaluate the impact of oral nicotine products on the ...