Colectivo Anti-Gentrificación y No a la Gentrificación se han reunido con diputadas y diputados para impulsar nuevas ...
Hoy nos adentramos en ocho reportajes sobre mujeres para conocer sus realidades, con la esperanza de que nos impulse a ...
Sandra Salas enunció este mensaje en Sámara el sábado 22 de febrero, en honor a su hija Daniela Escobar, la joven ...
Currently a criminal band is stealing or buying the properties they hire someone else to steal, pretending to be the legitimate owners. Only this year, by the end of the month of October, we learned ...
On your way to surf Guiones' main break, did you notice person after person strolling by with tote bags full of fresh veggies? They were on their way back from the Rainbow Organic Farmer's Market.
“The beautiful Jícaro reef is dead. Rest in peace, though I’m not sure if it can.” That’s what Javier Baltodano, a biologist from Liberia and a member of the Colectivo Ecologista Liberiano, wrote last ...
As climate conditions worsen, the country needs action to regulate water use and prepare for the next drought. Costa Rica currently lacks the ability to measure how much water it diverts from its ...
Mael Victory von der Weid, at age eight, could easily be described as an artistic prodigy, as the new exhibition of his canvases might lead one to believe. Since discovering his talent at age four, he ...
Nosara’s own music festival, Caricaco, in its third year at the hilltop retreat Tierra Magnifica, showed that three times is a charm with a strong lineup of bands and professionally managed venue.
El Área de Conservación Tempisque (ACT) identificó nueve terrenos que invaden el manglar del río Lagarto en el sector de Cangrejal de Sámara. El ecosistema está completamente enterrado por rellenos ...
Olga’s Bar, the well-loved local spot in Pelada Beach, has recently undergone a change of ownership. New owner Mateo Silvan, a French native, reopened Olga’s in early December. “Everything on the menu ...