The Blue Convention is a major event for umpires organized by Softball Canada every three years. Officials of ALL levels from across the country (and internationally) meet to discuss a variety of ...
Thank you for your interest in Softball Canada’s LTPD Resources. In order to have access to Softball Canada's full LTPD Guide, Athlete Development Matrix V2 and other LTPD content, you are asked to ...
it is based on the physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive development of children and adolescents. Each stage reflects a different point in athlete development. it ensures physical literacy upon ...
À chaque année, Softball Canada présente 10 Championnats canadiens à des endroits variés à travers le pays. Ces Championnats représentent l'apogée des carrières sportives de plusieurs athlètes, alors ...
In order to be recognized for national and international assignments, umpires must follow Softball Canada's umpire certification program. Certification for umpires for Level I-II-III is the ...
Each year, Softball Canada presents 10 Canadian Championships in various locations across the country. These Championships represent the pinnacle of many athletes' careers, as they compete for the ...
Foundations of Coaching Softball (FOCS) is Softball Canada’s first online National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) modules developed to introduce new and experienced coaches to the foundational ...
As the Learn to Play program continues to grow and evolve, coaches, coordinators and parents have come up with unique ways of making the initiative more fun and accessible for all. These resourceful ...
Click on the image to download the full guide, or navigate the menu for individual files.
Canada to Compete for Bronze at the 2024 WBSC Women’s Softball World Cup After Loss to Japan ...
Softball Canada is committed to practicing Safe Sport and ensuring all participants are provided with safe, welcoming, and accessible sport environments, free from all forms of maltreatment. Softball ...
The Softball Canada Awards Committee will consult with National Team coaches and Canadian Championship Supervisors to determine the recipients for each Athlete of the Year category. The recipients ...