Chinese box office hit "Ne Zha 2" was screened on Friday in a limited theatrical release in North America.
The animated film "Ne Zha 2", which swept the Chinese movie market during the Chinese New Year, had its premiere in the ...
2025年美国长滩国际北美太阳能技术展览Intersolar和Energy Storage North ...
根据最近向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示,专门从事油气田服务的North American Construction Group Ltd. (NYSE: NOA )宣布将于2025年2月12日召开电话会议和网络直播,讨论其第四季度业绩。
(美国商业资讯)-- 全球领先的创新过滤产品和解决方案提供商Donaldson Company, Inc.(NYSE: DCI)自豪地宣布与Daimler Truck North America(DTNA)在氢燃料电池项目上建立合作伙伴关系。Donaldson先进的空气滤清器技术将应用于下一代Fre ...
Launched on January 1, 2001, Phoenix North America Chinese Channel features 24/7 of local and global news, current affairs, talk shows, popular drama series, variety shows, in-depth finance reports ...
近日,Plenitude 通过其美国子公司 Eni New Energy US Inc. 与 EDP Renewables North America LLC达成一项协议,收购位于美国加利福尼亚州的两座在运光伏电站及一座在建电力储存设施组合的49%股权。