The Verge 的 David Pierce 表示: 这并不是 M3 的问题,只是说明 M2 已经足够优秀。总的来说,我认为 M3 在性能上更接近 M2,而不是 M4 iPad Pro,后者在几乎所有方面都要快上半拍。 去年 M4 iPad ...
The cheaper, base iPad ($349) is still a better option for buying a tablet for your kid, point of sale uses, and various ...
Apple unveiled the new M3 iPad Air. Here's what reviewers have been saying about this table ahead of its release on March 12.
2018 年,我被那条「What’s a computer?」广告忽悠,把早已不记得年份的老 iPad,换成了第二代 iPad Pro。现在有一台刚发布的 iPad Air (2025) 放在我面前,我在思考:为什么需要一台新机?很多 iPad ...
While the new Magic Keyboard for the iPad Air has a lower $269 starting price, it is also missing a feature that was ...
Amazon has kicked off the week by expanding its pre-order discounts on the new M3 iPad Air, now offering as much as $70 off ...
2025年3月4日,苹果正式发布了第11代iPad。这款新iPad在性能、设计和功能上都有显著提升。它搭载了全新的A18芯片,它为iPad 11带来了更强大的处理能力和更高效的能源管理。A18芯片的引入,使得iPad 11在运行复杂应用和多任务处理时更加流畅,同时还能保持较长的电池续航时间。
Unsurprisingly, Apple's newest iPad Air with M3 chip (released on March 12) maintains this familiar formula, with starting ...
近日,苹果公司发布了最新一代的iPad Air,配备了全新的M3芯片以及创新的Magic Keyboard键盘。该产品在目前的市场竞争中尤其重要,因其不仅体现了苹果在技术革新方面的持续努力,同时也承载着新一轮的市场期待。随着移动数字化和智能化的不断发展,消费者期望通过更强大的设备来提升工作及娱乐的效率,iPad Air的推出正迎合了这一趋势。 iPad Air系列自问世以来,一直以来都凭借其出色的 ...
根据彭博社记者马克·古尔曼(Mark Gurman)的最新报道,苹果公司即将发布多个新品,这其中包括备受期待的M4芯片版MacBook Air、新款iPad Air以及新入门级的iPad ...
Apple has update its iPad Air and base level iPad models. The iPad Air now features the more powerful M3 chip and has a new ...
The most significant enhancement in the M3 iPad Air is the inclusion of the M3 chip, which delivers a notable boost in ...