Dealabs reports that this PS5 bundle would be for the Standard Edition of the console, which is the one that includes a disc drive. The bundle is said to be releasing across North America and ...
据悉,PS6将搭载由AMD专为其定制的APU,代工则交由台积电。该芯片将整合AMD最新的Zen 5 CPU和升级版的UDNA GPU(即传闻已久的RDNA 5)。这对搭载AMD方案的命运选择彰显出索尼雄心勃勃,毕竟AMD在2022年凭借非凡的方案战胜英特尔,赢得为PS6打造处理器的竞标。
The best SSD for PS5 is a worthwhile investment and can significantly improve your experience with Sony’s console. Many of the best PS5 games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 can take up well over ...