In Ghaziabad, a city in the northern Uttar Pradesh state, as many as seven recovering COVID-19 patients have been diagnosed with invasive aspergillosis, a severe form of white fungus infection.
One of the most serious causes of white tree bark is white rot fungus. If your tree normally has white bark, you will need to ...
While they are one of the easiest foods to grow in your garden, tomatoes are also susceptible to numerous diseases, including ...
Upon closer examination, these plants may have a white, fuzzy to granular growth on stems (Figure 2). During dry periods these areas appear bleached and when split open, hard, black structures ...
PHOENIX — A bat sampled by biologists at Fort Huachuca near Sierra Vista in 2024 tested positive for the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome (WNS) disease in bats. The bat, a cave myotis ...