The research team showed that ATG8, which is normally located in small cellular vesicles that mediate autophagy, is quickly relocated to the vacuole membrane upon disruption of the cell wall.
This makes a big vacuole more effective at volume expansion. Gilroy, S. & Trewavas, A. Signal processing and transduction in plant cells: the end of the beginning? Nature Reviews Molecular Cell ...
Vacuoles usually account for changes in cell size when the cytoplasmic volume stays constant. Some vacuoles have specialized functions, and plant cells can have more than one type of vacuole.
Plants droop and shed their leaves when parched, but with a splash of water, their stems regain strength and their leaves unfurl. This dramatic transformation is a clear signal for us to reach for ...
And then you'll have a model plant cell with all of its parts. A cell wall, which keeps everything together, cell membrane, which surrounds the cytoplasm, vacuole, the space within the cytoplasm ...